Tag: VINTAGE by Jessica Liebeskind

March Ipsy Bag – Floral Fantasy
I love coming back from being out of town and finding a big stack of packages – I got a Victoria’s Secret order and my ipsy bag!
March’s bag is “Floral Fantasy”. The bag is a bright Hawaiian-like floral print, full of fun stuff like NYX Butter Lipstick in “Hunk”; pūr~lisse beauty pūr~delicate gentle soymilk cleanser & makeup remover (I’m just glad it’s not another moisturizer); Boo-Boo Cover-Up in “Medium”; Dr. Brandt Skincare pores no more anti-aging mattifying lotion (I have high hopes for this one!); and VINTAGE by Jessica Liebeskind Illuminating Face Highlighter in “Crystal Pink” (is “illuminating highlighter” the new “primer”?)
I usually don’t like skin heavy bags, but I am getting to like them more and more.
If you’d like to try Ipsy – click here. I’ll earn 250 points if you sign up through my link.