Tag: Peter Lamas


August Ipsy Bag – Sugar Highness

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YASSSS Ipsy…give a bag that is not specifically summer themed!

This month’s “Sugar Highness” bag is all about living the glam fantasy. Inside this month’s adorable “makeup princess” bag: ciate London Paint Pot in “Dangerous Affair” (Finally – I’ve been wanting to try ciate SO bad); tarte tarteist Lash Paint (another YASSSS); NOMAD Makeup Eye Shadow in “Marrakesh – Spice Market”; thisworks In Transit Camera Close-Up Mask, Moisturizer and Primer in One (hold the phone – is this for real?); and Peter Lamas Supreme Radiance Complexion Booster.

This set of products FUCKING KICKS ASS. I am loving all of my products this month!

If you’d like to try Ipsy – click here. I’ll earn 250 points if you sign up through my link.