Tag: Office Depot

Genius Idea
So…I LOVE the “Swatch Me” stickers that come on top of Julep polishes. Those stickers make it a snap to find the polish in seconds, instead of having to dump my Color Caddy to find what I’m looking for. True – Julep does sell those stickers, but they’re hella expensive. What’s a girl to do?
A girl goes to Office Depot and spends $6.99 for a pack of 1,100 5/16 x 1/2 inch labels instead!
I really tried to find round labels, but they didn’t have any white ones that were small enough. I kind of like the rectangular ones though – they give the polish enough room to spread. They work great on the flat tops of bottles, but they don’t work so well on bottles that have a slight rounding to the top (Rimmel London). They also aren’t working great on bottles that have a raised imprint on the top of the bottle (OPI, Nicole by OPI, China Glaze, Sinful Colors), because the stickers are not sticky enough. I might have to use clear tape to keep them on.
I’ve gotten through about 200 polishes so far – a little over 2/3 done. I’ve actually never counted my polishes, so I guess that means I have 350+. I’m not stopping til I hit at least 1,000.