Tag: Baroness X

Polish Pickup February 2025 – Fables & Folklore
February’s theme was “Fables & Folklores” and I am so proud of myself! Not for shopping conservatively – I did not pick any of the several Taylor Swift themed polishes…at least I don’t think I did?
As much as I love Zoya Remove+, I also love making cheap, shitty nail polish remover into the good shit…I’ve passed by the last few scents, but Baroness X Acetone Antidote “Lemon Shortbread Cookies” ($8.50) sounded too good to pass up.
Cuticula “Fairest of Them All” ($13) is inspired by Snow White.
Indie by Patty Lopes “Renaissance” ($13.50) is inspired by the Phoenix. It’s magnetic, too.
Lurid Lacquer “Schneewittchen” ($14.50) is inspired by the Brothers Grimm version of Snow White, the badass bitch version of Snow White.
Zombie Claw “Persephone” ($13.50) is inspired by Persephone and eating pomegranate seeds.
BCB Lacquers “Aesops Fables” ($13.50) is inspired by…wait for it…Aesop’s Fables.
I cannot wait to dig in!

Polish Pickup November 2023 – Fairytales & Folklore
It was so hard not to buy 20 polishes this month – I LOVE the Fairytales & Folklore theme. Most were based on stories and legends, but there were quite a few Taylor Swift (Folklore) polishes. I thought I got a variety of polishes…turns out that the three I picked are primarily GREEN.
MJ Lacquers “Oz” ($12.75) is a black crelly, loaded with every color of glitter, iridescent flakies and shimmer. The green flakies are the most prominent aspect in the polish. Of course, it’s inspired by The Wizard of Oz.
Adored Colors “Baba Yaga” ($12.50) is a green shimmer, filled with earthy glitter. It’s inspired by the witch of Slavic folklore.
Psyche Minerals “Shapeshifting in the Moor” ($13) is a glittery multichrome polish that shifts all colors of the rainbow. It’s inspired by the púca – a celtic goblin.
I couldn’t pass up another bottle of Baroness X Acetone Antidote in “Chocolate Croissant” ($8). As soon as I opened it, I wanted to eat it. I didn’t.

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary
I saved the best for last from September’s Polish Pickup…this is Baroness X “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary”. (I assume it’s only repeated twice, because if it was called “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary”, all HELL would break loose.)
I was totally astounded at the beauty of this nail polish. In most lights, it looks like a dull, black polish – not even shiny. But when light – or the sun especially – hits it just right, it burns a brilliant red. I puzzled for days on how to photograph this polish and finally came upon the solution in my car. I mean…why the hell not?
This is two coats of “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary” over Vibrant Scents Double Bond Base Coat in “Island Petals” and under Vibrant Scents Top Coat in “Island Petals”.

Polish Pickup September 2023 – Haunted History
I cannot remember the last time I spent $65 on nail polish…but I couldn’t resist September’s theme, “Haunted History.” I’ve got to celebrate Spooky Season!
Danglefoot Nail Polish “Hair Raising” ($13) is inspired by past hair disasters…I’ve had a few of those myself.
Sweet & Sour Lacquer “The Saw is Family” ($13) is inspired by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre…supposedly based on a true story, at least according to the kids in my daycare. (For those of you NOT from Texas, it’s not…Ed Gein notwithstanding.)
Alchemy Lacquer “Oddities” ($12.50) is inspired by the medicinal plant garden at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. I am intrigued. And it’s NOT red!
Baroness X “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary” ($13) is inspired by…guess who…Bloody Mary.
Lilypad Lacquer “Haunted forever” ($14) is inspired by…an image on the web. Not sure which image, hmmmm…
I seriously had to limit myself to just 5…I wanted at least 15 other polishes. Which one should I try first???

Polish Pickup April 2023 – Flowers
I’ve been following Polish Pickup for years and years, but never bought anything…I was happy with my Julep and Sinful Colors, and whatever else I found at the grocery store…but I am no longer getting half a dozen new polishes every month…so splurging on Indie Polish is much more attractive these days. PLUS, supporting small business – I’m in!
April’s theme was “Flowers”. The first thing I added to my basket was Baroness X Acetone Antidote in “Darkness Falls” ($8). It’s an additive that protects your skin from acetone – and it smells great. It contains glycerin and jojoba oil. I added about half the bottle (probably too much) to my little up&up nail polish remover finger tub and it does exactly what it says it does – my fingers were soft and moisturized and smelled like peonies and musk. I will be a repeat customer, for sure.
I also tried out Vibrant Scents’ Base Coat and Top Coat in “Island Petals” ($8.50 each). They have a lovely tropical scent – plumeria maybe? The scent doesn’t last long, but it’s an absolute improvement over the usual nail polish smell.
I only snagged one nail polish – Poetry Cowgirl “Dead Flowers” ($12.50), a dense microglitter. Stay tuned to see it!