Tag: Answer From

August 2018 Ipsy Bag – Selfie with No Filter
For the record, ALL of my selfies are with no filter.
Even so, I appreciate any and all products that help me look my best with no filter, so thank you very much ipsy! Inside this month’s bright orange linen pouch: OUAI Volume Spray (I think I get this product in every single subscription box, every single month); SLSMISSGLAM Rose Gold Blusher Brush (rose gold, my favorite right now); MAC False Lashes Mascara in “Extreme Black” (I liked the last MAC mascara I received in an ipsy bag – I used it all up); Answer From Black Volume Gold Radiance Cream (what a weird brand name – Answer From); and Ofra Cosmetics Eye shadow in “Blue Jean” (another one for my Z Palette).
Not an exciting bag, but not a bad one either.
If you’d like to try Ipsy – click here. I’ll earn 250 points if you sign up through my link.