Welcome to Beauty Hoard!
My name is Lara and I’m a hoarder.
My obsession isn’t dead cats or bottles of piss or used diapers…nothing good enough to get me on TV. I hoard beauty products. Nail polish, body products, antibacterial handsoap, eye shadow and more. (I also have a problem with buddhas, garden gnomes, Barbies and flamingos, but we’ll get to that later.)
Instead of hiding my shame, I decided to share it with the world. Okay, that’s a lie…I am not the least bit ashamed of my “habit.” I just want to legitimize the amount of money I spend on all this junk by plastering it all over the internet. Also, I’ve been experiencing writing block when it comes to my other website – knobbyverse.com – and I figure the best way to get past it is to make a detour and write about something else for awhile.
I’m not really sure what I am going to end up doing with this site…maybe pictures of my fingernails? Stupid shit I buy on clearance at Target? Or maybe I’ll get bored after a few posts and let it die…unless of course, I figure out a way for this site to make me some money…