Category: Fragrance

March 2022 Sucreabeille Mini Subscription Bag
How is it April already? Didn’t I just get this bag the other day?
I don’t mind a delay in posting my Sucreabeille sub. It takes me a while to work through all the scents and sometimes I even have to wear them multiple times to really understand a scent.
March’s unreleased scent is called “Agent of Chaos”. It mostly just smells like patchouli to me, but there’s a note of something in there that I cannot quite explain.
BY FAR, the best scent of the month is “Brienne the Beauty”, which I believe is a Game of Thrones themed scent. It’s a masculine citrus scent, which I LOVE. It reminds of the Atelier Cologne scents I tend towards. I’m glad I found a possible substitution since I recently learned that Atelier is no longer being sold in the US. Tragic!
Also in the January bag: “Assbutt” (a marshmallow-y scent from the Supernatural themed collection); “Crafty Witch” (which I’ve already tried); “Infamy” (this one has a heavy tuberose vibe, reminding me of B&BW’s “Velvet Tuberose”); and “Forest Witch” (just smells like the Garden Center at Lowe’s to me).
I am not loving this month’s bag as much as previous ones, but I am not quite ready to call it quits yet.
I subscribe to the Mini Subscription Bag at just $15/month (shipping is extra), but there’s also a Medium Subscription Bag for $40/month and a Full Size Subscription Bag for $70/month. Click here for a $5 off coupon (for you AND me)!

February 2022 Sucreabeille Mini Subscription Bag
February feels so long ago…but I’ve been super busy with work, school, kids and being exhausted all the time…but it’s Spring Break, bitches. Since I’m back in school – Graduate School – this is my first REAL Spring Break since…1998? You better believe that I am taking the whole week off.
February’s unreleased scent is called “Sleep Paralysis” and holy shit…it smells like cookies and…well, poop. Underneath the somewhat Snickerdoodle-like initial sniff, there’s an underlying scent of indolic poo. I kinda dig it.
Like January’s bag, February’s bag also included a scent I’ve already tried – “Black Honey” – but I’m not even mad, because I love it. It just happens to be my scent of the day today. Also in this month’s bag: “Water Witch” (a musky, mermaid-y scent…but I like “Sea Hag” better); “Don’t Be a Lady, Be a Legend” (their site says the main note is raspberry lambic, but it’s been decades since I’ve drank it, so I’ll take their word on it); “100% That Bitch” (ooooh, cotton candy!); and “Bleeding Heart” (strawberries in champagne, I love this one).
I would wear every single one of the scents this month, but if I had to pick a favorite…I’m torn between “Black Honey” and “Bleeding Heart”.
I subscribe to the Mini Subscription Bag at just $15/month (shipping is extra), but there’s also a Medium Subscription Bag for $40/month and a Full Size Subscription Bag for $70/month. Click here for a $5 off coupon (for you AND me)!

Late Birthday Post
Do my kids know me, or what?
This is the very first year that my kids took initiative and shopped for my birthday gifts ALONE, with no help from their father. Truthfully, he had NO IDEA what they had gotten me until I opened them. I giggled like a schoolgirl, opening up the Jason Momoa Funko Pop. (He may be single right now, but he will just have to be sad and lonely – I am NOT at all single.) I may have squealed with joy when I opened the Rose Apothecary Eau de Parfum from Beekman 1802. It smells just as awesome as the Rose Apothecary Lotion that Cat sent me! I am so excited to smell like “Ew, David” every day.
Thank you, gutfruit and crotchfruit…you made this old lady’s birthday very, very special.

January 2022 Sucreabeille Mini Subscription Bag
You didn’t really think I’d be able to to stick with just one beauty subscription, did you?
I started off the new year with a new scent subscription and I am super excited about it! The Mini Subscription Bag contains 6 1ml oil samples – one unreleased scent and five current scents.
The unreleased scent is called “Team Reckless Abandon”. It’s a musky scent and I cannot quite place the rest of the notes. Since it is unreleased, I cannot search the site to tell me what it is…
My favorite scent from the bag is “Caffeine Poisoning”, which smells like I dumped a Caffe Mocha all over myself, but in a good way? Also in this month’s bag: “Bohemian” (discontinued, scented like absinthe and peppermint); “Blood Lust” (Oh, I have that one); “Papa’s Waffles” (this smells like straight BUTTER on me…like what I imagine Paula Deen smells like when she’s horny in the kitchen); and “Peace Out, Bitches” (a very subtle lemon and flowers scent). The only one my husband liked was “Peace Out, Bitches”…he has a very discerning sniffer.
While I subscribe to the Mini Subscription Bag at just $15/month (shipping is extra), there’s also a Medium Subscription Bag for $40/month and a Full Size Subscription Bag for $70/month. They are very, very tempting! Click here for a $5 off coupon (for you AND me)!

Sucreabeille’s Old Soul Haul
How the hell am I supposed to smell all these delightful new scents with COVID-19? Help!
I placed this monster order on the day after Xmas and it took a bit to get here. I had been working my way through the scents slowly – a new one each day – but my progress was sidelined by a positive COVID test last week…argh…I’m all better now, and I can smell again…
The first item I added to my cart was a sample of “Old Soul” ($13), Sucreabeille’s most exclusive perfume. It’s a mix of rose and jasmine, with an undercurrent of sandalwood. My husband REALLY liked it, which is NOT normal for rose scents. I’ll be saving up my money for this one – an ounce is $150!
Next was The Blood Drunk Collection Box ($59), which includes a 1oz Oil Rollerball of “Blood Drunk”, which smells like a rich, musky pomegranate on me. The collection also included a tin with sample drams of “Blood Lust” (it’s sexy, but I’m not getting a “red lipstick” scent from it), “Heart’s Blood” (Egyptian musk, but different than Momento Mori), “Blood Drop” (like a bloody speculoos cookie…my husband said it was “medicinal”), as well as a special sample of “Fresh Blood” (hints of cherry in this blood). To be honest, they all smell very similar to me – I don’t think I could tell them apart in a blind smell test. They are also all oils and fade really fast on me.
I ordered another set of 5ml Sample vials ($28): “Blood of my Enemies” (this one smells smoky and somehow…salty?); “Cyanide” (a sharp, sweet cherry/almond start, but it disappears much too quickly on me); “Combustible Lemons” (a strong spike of lemon scent – like Lemon Pledge, but not quite – and then is disappears); “Sea Hag” (This one was a surprise favorite, with strong notes of petrichor – I need a full size); and “Not, Today Satan!” (the strongest note is Osmanthus, overpowering the candied grapefruit – I need to come back to this one).
I also ordered a set of 5 EDP drams ($60): “Belladonna” (yes, yes, another rose – but I love this one, too!); “Heck Puppy” (it doesn’t smell like a puppy – maybe more like clean puppy breath?); “Crafty Witch” (the description says it smells like a craft room and it smells like MY craft room/office – stacks of yarns and fabric and paper, with a hint of stale coffee and dust); “Black Honey” (one of my faves from my first order); and “Memento Mori” (why did I order more of this? I already have one).
Lots of freebies with this order. I got a free welcome gift (signing up for texts, I think) of a dram of “Coven”, which smells like herbs and leaves, but turns musky on me. I also got a mystery 8.5ml Oil Rollerball, which turned out to be “Sophia” from the retired Golden Girls Collection. The sharp cinnamon and vanilla notes smell like Ben Gay and Cheesecake on me…or maybe that is just what my brain imagines Sophia would smell like? My order was over $150, so I also received a free Rose Collection Box, which includes a dram of “Briar Rose”, a delicious green rose scent with a strong undercurrent of rosemary; a bottle of “Wood Rose” Bubble Bath, which I’ve been using as a shower gel and it smells exactly like you’d expect – sawdust and roses; and “Flame Rose” Buttercream Lotion, scented like burned leather and roses. This might be one of the most long-lasting and moisturizing lotions I’ve tried.
I ALSO signed up for Sucreabeille’s small monthly subscription box, which arrived…but I haven’t even gotten to sample yet – UGH.

Still a Little Sale Left…
That’s right, there’s still a little Semi Annual Sale left at Bath & Body Works. I bopped in a few days ago to see what was 75%.
I have never heard of “Whipped Rose Latte”, but roses and coffee? Yes, please. It’s a pleasant, homey scent – nothing like you’d expect a rose scent to be like. The only product left was Body Cream (75% off), so that’s all I got. My husband sniffed it and HATED it…sigh, so the cream is relegated to my office.
The only 75% off Hand Soap was “Boardwalk Vanilla Cone”, so I just got one. I also grabbed 3 more 75% off Wallflower Refills.
Lily wanted the Tea Tree & Peppermint Essential Oil Mist, but I am not sure what for. It wasn’t 75% off – it was $4.95.
I got more coupons in the mail a few days ago…should I make another visit?

I’ve got a new obsession…it’s an Indie Fragrance House called Sucreabeille. My sister sent me a link months and months ago, but I hadn’t made a purchase until this past Black Friday…I delayed my posting a bit, because I didn’t want to spoil a gift. I got so many different scents, that it did take me a bit to work through them all.
All of Sucreabeille’s scents are available in either perfume oil or eau de Parfum. I prefer EDP, so that’s what I ordered.
I couldn’t resist the Challenging Discovery Set ($28), which includes 5 1 ml samples of strange and unusual scents: “Black Honey” (a rich blend of honeys and incense); “Chloroform” (an indole heavy gardenia – unfortunately, it literally smells like cat shit on me); “Final Boss” (and now I know that synthetic ambergris smells like cat piss on me – maybe I should try “Final Boss” and “Chloroform” together); “Cute Rage” (all I smell is APPLE); and “What Fresh Hell is This?” (smells like a black jelly bean on me – giving it to my son). I’d say that this was a wasted purchase, except I really had fun trying the scents and torturing my family with them. “Final Boss” was the only one bad enough that I had to wipe off immediately, and I am in LOVE with “Black Honey”.
I also selected a set of 5 sample drams ($60) to try out: “Goth. As. Fuck.” (I’d argue that this is also a challenging scent – incense, patchouli and beeswax – but I am up to this challenge); “I Come From a Long Line of Terrifying Women” (I admit, I bought it just for the name, but the mix of whiskey and tobacco is intriguing); “Lilith Fury” (Again, the name got me – it’s a spicy chai scent); “Mouthy Broad” (whiskey and roses); and my favorite of the whole order, “Memento Mori” (the mix of incense and Egyptian Musk is an almost exact dupe of the Blue Rose incense we used to buy at Scarborough Faire – it brought back a flood of memories.)
Since I bought during a black Friday sale, I got lots of freebies. I got a whole-ass oil rollerball of “Krampus” (a delicious gingerbread scent), as well as 3 oil drams from the Winter Collection: “Frozen Moon” (sugar plums and marshmallows), “Whispering Black” (cedar and rain), and “Heartwood” (rose wood and cedar wood, it reminds me of the cedar balls my mother kept in her armoire).
Did I mention there is a monthly subscription box, too? I sure did sign up!
There was a killer after-Holiday sale, so I have another order coming!
If you’d like to try out Sucreabeille, use my referral link and we’ll both get a $5 off coupon!

Watch out for that Semi!
…And just like that, the Bath & Body Works Semi-Annual Sale is upon us!
Since the sale just started, I took it easy on the hand soap – only 4 made it into my bag. The sale hand soaps were still $3.50 each, plus, I just stocked up.
I DID stock up on $3.50 Wallflower Refills – I didn’t mean to buy 8, but my child kept putting them into my cart!
I have been wanting to try the “Rose” scent, so I jumped on 50% off Body Lotion and Shower Gel. I let Lily pick a Shower Gel and she got “Berry Waffle Cone” for 75% off.
I got a $10 off $40 coupon in the mail – nothing in my email yet. I need another coupon so I can go back!

Cyber Diamond
Here we go, here’s the haul that made me Ulta Diamond for 2022.
I’m sure it’s not shocking that finally bought the Urban Decay Cosmetics Naked Cyber Eyeshadow Palette ($49), but it might be shocking that I paid full price. (I am still saving my Ulta points for a Dyson Airwrap – I’m up to $312!) It’s a very versatile palette, although I am concerned about the quality. The shadows are not as buttery as the first several Naked palettes – a few of the shimmers are downright CHALKY. Ugh. Use a primer and you’ll be fine, but it’s an annoying extra step. Also, watch out for fallout – the glitters get everywhere. I do wish there was at least one more dark, saturated shade besides the burnt orange, but I can mix and match with another palette.
I recently got new bleached streaks in my hair (another Ulta trip) and decided to dye them turquoise when I get sick of blond. I decided to try Arctic Fox in “Aquamarine” ($17) – my kids SWEAR by it. I feel like I’m cheating on Overtone, but their turquoise didn’t take well on my hair. Holding out hope for Arctic Fox.
I had seen the Kitsch Leopard Print Towel Scrunchies ($10.50, on sale from $14) at full price in the store, but was thrilled to find them for 25% online. I also splurged on Kitsch Moisturizing Spa Socks ($12, on sale from $16). I feel like the open toe design will be more comfortable to sleep in – it’s hard for me sleep in regular socks. I also threw in some Ulta Exfoliating Cotton Pads ($2.09), because why not?
I DID use the $20 off $100 coupon code that was out before the holiday sales, and I still qualified for the Hello Holidays 23 piece More Glow Beauty Bag. Inside the bag: Clarins Re-Boost Refreshing Hydrating Cream; Megababe Antibacterial Wipes in “Squeaky Clean” (note to self: do NOT confuse with makeup remover wipes); Good Molecules Silicone-Free Priming Moisturizer; Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Intense; Ellis Brooklyn Sweet; Yves Saint Laurent Mon Paris Eau de Parfum Intense (What are all these “intense” perfumes?); Lancome La Vie est Belle (2 samples of this one); Not Your Mother’s Naturals Activated Bamboo Charcoal & Purple Moonstone Shampoo and Conditioner (I’ve been wanting to try this one; Joico Defy Damage Protective Shampoo, Conditioner, Masque & Shield (4 packettes!); MAC Lipstick Samples in “Ruby Woo”, “M-A-C Red” and “Cockney”; Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream; The Body Shop Body Butter in “British Rose” (I think this sample is why I chose this particular bag); Living proof. Restore Repair Mask; Jack Black Performance Remedy Turbo Wash (will go to the husband or the son); Kate Somerville +Retinol Vita C Power Serum; tarte Shape Tape Contour Concealer; Dear, Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream (I’m scared that the package says “For Nighttime Only” – will I burst into flames if I use it in the daytime?); Bobbi Brown Hydrating Eye Cream; Biosilk Silk Therapy Leave-In Treatment; Benefit Boi-ing Cakeless Concealer in “Light Cool”; and NYX The Marshmallow Primer (made with marshmallow root – weird). The bag is super cushy, made out of ski-suit material.
(There were also a few gifts (not shown) from this haul – shhhhh…)

Pebbles Haul
A Makeup Revolution (or is it Revolution Makeup) collaboration with Fruity Pebbles AND Cocoa Pebbles? You son of a bitch, I’m in!
The I Revolution x Fruity Pebbles Palette ($22) is a bright palette, a Fruity Pebbles rainbow of colors. I’ve only used it once, but looking forward to figuring out how to make the colors work together. The I
Revolution x Cocoa Pebbles Palette ($22) is a lot more versatile – I’ve used the warm shades several times now. The shadow quality is so smooth and blendable – I love them.
I picked the I Revolution x Fruity Pebbles Lip Oil in “Fred” ($8) – this stuff is great for removing liquid lipstick. I also picked up both the Fruity Pebbles AND the Cocoa Pebbles Body Butter ($10 each). My husband’s FAVORITE cereal is Fruity Pebbles, so I thought slathering the body butter all over myself before bed would drive him wild. Eh, not so much – The Fruity Pebbles scent is very vague. The Cocoa Pebbles Body Butter, on the other hand, is VERY heavily scented. According to my husband, it smells like chocolate ass. This may be my “not tonight, honey” body butter.
I didn’t buy the WHOLE collection, but close…There were also headbands (the Pebbles one with a bone sold out before I could grab it) and makeup bags, but I controlled myself a little…The only bummer is that I paid FULL PRICE when I ordered a few weeks ago, and now they’re half off…run – don’t walk to get this collection!
The rest of my order was a bunch of odds and ends. The wet n wild Coloricon Zodiac Lip Gloss in “Pisces” ($2.09) was for my daughter. The Punky Color Bleach ($9.99) – one of my kids will buy it off me. The Freeman Oil Absorbing Mint & Lemon Facial Clay Mask ($3, on sale from $4.29) and Ulta Pink Grapefruit Scented Foaming Hand Wash ($3.50, on sale from $7) are for me.
My purchase qualified me for TWO gifts with purchase. The free 15 piece gift with $65 purchase included Skinkick Daily Exfoliant Cleanser (new brand to me); L’Oreal Voluminous Primer/Base (I keep getting samples of this and NOT using it); Good Molecules Hyaluronic Acid Serum (1 oz – full sizer!); eva nyc Therapy Session Hair (I got this in a VOX BOX years ago – looking forward to using it again); The Body Shop Avocado Body Butter; Covergirl Creamy Eye Shadow Stick in “Dreamy Haze”; Ahava Deadsea Water Mineral Hand Cream; Maybelline Total Temptation Mascara in “Very Black”; Soap & Glory Fruit Force Refreshing Body Wash; Milani Make It Last Dewy Setting Spray; NYX Bare With Me Hydrating Jelly Primer; Love Wellness Call Me Collagen Dietary Supplement (EW); Hempz CBD Moisture Hit Ultra-Hydrating Shampoo (but no matching conditioner!); Derma E Thickening Shampoo (again, no matching conditioner – RUDE); and EcoTools Makeup Brush + Sponge Shampoo (looking forward to trying this out for sponges). I also got a free Step Up 5 piece gift with my $85 purchase: Kneipp Mineral Bath Salt in Dream Away (giving to the kids); Revlon Colorstay Satin Ink (it’s in red cellophane – I’m afraid to open it); Pyt Beauty Upcycle Eyeshadow in “Warm Lit Nude Mini”; Beast Gold Roll-On Oil (this .35oz bottle is $39 at Ulta! I think it’s for dudes); and noyah Organic Vanilla Lip Balm. I have so many samples now!
I am just $240 away from Diamond in 2022.