Ghost or Furby?

Bee’s Knees Lacquer “Ghost or Furby” was released for November’s “Nostalgic Toys” Polish Pickup. The polish is inspired by the maker’s childhood furby, that may have been haunted. This is one of THREE haunted/possessed furby polishes in the collection, so obviously a common occurrence…

…I had a haunted furby once. It was the special “Gizmo” themed Furby and it made Mogwai noises. It was similarly haunted. So haunted, in fact, that my husband disappeared it. It’s been missing over 20 years…AND TO THIS DAY, he won’t tell me what happened to it. Did he just stick it in the attic and it was lost in a move? Or did he smash it with a hammer? Maybe he buried it in the back yard? To this day, this is the longest standing conflict in our marriage. He won’t admit to shit – he just says, “I forgot what I did with it. Let it go.”

I am not Elsa. I will never let it go.

I’ll be there at his deathbed, waiting for a confession.

This is two coats of “Ghost or Furby” over Cuticula Mic Drop Base Coat in “Tropical Oasis” and under Cuticula Limitless Top Coat in “Champagne Toast“.

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