Is That All There Is?
Caribongo “City Girl” was one of my vacay finds.
Indoors, it’s a perfectly average light blue glitter in a clear base. It’s rough and goopy and for some reason, it pulled away from the edges. Even sandwiched between Revlon Quick Dry Base Coat and Top Coat, the surface still had a pebbled feel.
I was surprised at how much polish it took to do two coats – I feel like I used a quarter of the bottle.
The first picture was taken immediately after stepping into the sunlight.
The second picture was after standing in FULL SUN for several minutes. Even though you can see that the polish base in the bottle turned bright red, the change is barely perceptible on my nails.
What the hell? Is that all there is?
This shit cost TWICE as much as Funky Fingers and doesn’t even work half as well.
Son of a bitch.