The Rusty Trombone
If you don’t know what a Rusty Trombone is, I am not going to be the one to tell you. Go ask your kid or something, you old fuddy duddy.
There are many layers to this manicure. The first layer is Sally Hansen Nail Prisms in “Amber Ruby.” It was the closest thing to rust that I had. The second coat is Julep “Glenda” – a creamy silver crackle. Since trombones are usually made of brass, I used Milani 3D Holographic “510” as the third layer. (WTF Milani?)
After 3 coats, my nails were super gooey, so I topped with a coat of Sally Hansen “Diamond Flash Quick Drying Topcoat.” It’s been over 5 hours and I don’t feel like the polish has cured. Hmmm…this rusty trombone might not last long…
Naughty, naughty!
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My last Sephora jaunt left me with Smashbox photo finish foundation primer ($35). It promotes: “Increasing the longevity of foundation while reducing the appearance of fine lines and pores. Apply over clean morsuized skin.” Day one: Decent, yet it was equal to Urban Decay eye primer, in the creme eyeshadow department. I am convinced no product can cure my cream eye woes
I did get a sample of Too Faced’s version for comparison.
I love the idea of slapping some cream on before foundation to fill in our imperfections. I will keep you posted.
#2 Urban Decay 24/7 glide on lip pencil ($20) like a man, only good for 20 minutes. It left my lips so dry, I had put over my favorite lip plumper for some relief. This or any addition, most likely, made a 24/7 lip liner in to the aforementioned. However, I DO SWEAR BY Too Faced super size lip injection. It essentially swells your lips, via an allergic reaction. I have photos of a friend I kissed on the forehead. Bless his heart, he had an exact swollen replica of my lips on his forehead. It works so well, but with beauty, there comes a price, i.e. You can’t kiss anyone without the danger of needing an EpiPen. I prefer my lips plump and unadulterated. Yes, this lends to my fear of commitment. So you just shut your dirty mouth! ; )
Sounds like an awesome shopping trip!
Lane bought me some Lip Venom from Sephora…it worked the same way! I always wondered what would happen if I…nah, don’t want a divorce.
Same thoughts, followed by the reality of police dispatch, to another domestic dispute. NEXT THANG YOU KNOW… We are ALL on COPs via high priced lipVenom/injections. Thanks Sephora!!!
If I end up on a reality show, I’d rather it be Hoarders than Cops!
[…] My inspiration for this paint job was Britney Spears’ naked rhinestone suit from the MTV Music Awards. Don’t laugh, Britney is no less a valid inspiration than The Shocker or The Rusty Trombone! […]